Teaching and Learning

How Students Can Help Create More Accessible Courses (Beth McMurtrie, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 17, 2022): A report by a group of students and professors at the University of Texas at Austin, “Transforming Higher Education from the Inside Out: The Collaborative for Access and Equity (Pilot) Impact Report.”

Should We Give Up on Growth Mindset? (The Learning Scientist, Digest #167, November 17, 2022): Two new meta-analyses come to different conclusions.

Rethinking Office Hours (Bonni Stachowiak, Teaching in Higher Ed, November 17, 2022): What can you authentically do to be more welcoming in your office hours? (21 min. podcast).

The Deadline Dilemma (Carolyn Kuimelis, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 14, 2022): When it comes to course assignments, how much flexibility is too much?

Rethinking the Optional Attendance Policy (Eric Skipper, Inside Higher Ed, November 14, 2022): Faculty members who know their students are better able to assist them. Universities can thwart trends of disengagement by leaning in and not back. Attendance policies need not be punitive, nor should they submit to an either-or paradigm.

“They Don’t Read My Feedback!” Strategies to Encourage Reception and Application of Course Feedback (Maria B. Peterson-Ahmad, Randa G. Keeley, and Marilyn Roberts, Faculty Focus, November 14, 2022): Tips for embedding a specific framework into a course to increase the chances that feedback can become informative and transformative both during and post-university training.

Assessment for Growth (Chris Creighton, Grading for Growth, November 14, 2022): Could we be using better assessments with alternative grading?

Readers Respond on Rabbit Holes and Cheating (Matt Reed, Inside Higher Ed, November 14, 2022): Assignments that get students intrinsically engaged (as when someone falls down a You Tube rabbit hole).

What Is the Purpose of Final Exams, Anyway? (Kevin Gannon, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 25, 2018): An older piece, but worth a (re)read as the semester moves towards its conclusion.

Gen Z Never Learned to Read Cursive (Drew Gilpin Gaust, The Atlantic, September 16, 2022): How will they interpret the past?

Dream On

Why Adults Still Dream About School (Kelly Conaboy, The Atlantic, September 22, 2022): Still dreaming about taking a math test for which you haven’t studied one bit? You’re not alone.

Have a short article or some news related to teaching and learning at your institution that you’d like to share with colleagues? Send your contribution along to us. Also, please email Charla White (white@glca.org) if you have colleagues who would like to receive this weekly report.

GLCA/GLAA Consortium for Teaching and Learning

  Steven Volk (steven.Volk@oberlin.edu)
  Colleen Monahan Smith (smith@glca.org)
  Charla White (white@glca.org)

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