CTL Webinar: Thursday, August 24 (12:00 PM ET)

Dear Colleagues: You are invited to an upcoming CTL presentation:  The Rise of Generative AI: Implications and Innovations for Education

Do you have a strategy for addressing generative AI in your classes this fall? Whether you plan to avoid it, are eager to have students use it, or somewhere in between, it is critical to have open and frank discussions with your students.

Please join us on Thursday, August 24, at 12:00 PM EDT for the presentation The Rise of Generative AI: Implications and Innovations for Education, by Lew Ludwig, Co-Director of GLCA/GLAA Consortium for Teaching and Learning. In this presentation we will:

  1. Tackle questions about AI posed by attendees during registration.
  2. Offer actionable strategies for discussing generative AI with your students.
  3. Showcase practical AI applications that faculty can integrate to enhance teaching and familiarize themselves with this emerging technology.

Please register here to attend this event. Note, the session will be recorded for later distribution. Only registered participants will be granted access to the recording.  Registered attendees will receive a link to attend via email the day before the event.  

New on the CTL Website

How To Support Faculty of Color – An Online Resource To Survive and Thrive In Academia (Irene López and Simon Garcia, Kenyon College, August 16, 2023): Faculty of color have created a website, with the support of the Consortium on High Achievement and Success, which showcases over a hundred articles, books, and popular press articles which document how minoritized scholars are systemically under/devalued, under-supported, overworked and held to higher standards –  across all three levels of evaluation (teaching, research and service). The website, www.facultyofcolornetwork.com, is a central source that others can turn to for the latest literature and for ideas on what can be done to rectify our review system.

Start of Semester Planning

Engagement Tip: Create a First-Day Survey (Ashley Mowreader, Inside Higher Ed, July 25, 2023): Professors can start their academic terms off on the best foot with students by creating a first-day survey to collect information about learning goals, personal information, and prior knowledge.

Teaching and Learning

The ‘Native Speaker’ Fallacy (Kino Zhao, Inside Higher Ed, August 18, 2023): Stop telling students to have their essays checked by a native English speaker.

What’s the Right Measure of Good Teaching? (Beth McMurtrie, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 17, 2023): McMurtrie discusses the challenges of evaluating teaching, as well as the structural barriers that stand in the way of good teaching.

Teaching Matters (Steven Mintz, Inside Higher Ed, August 15, 2023): Let’s face it: Poor teaching is a big barrier to student success.

Bridging the Gap: Overcoming Barriers in Higher Ed for Students with Disabilities including Neurodivergent Learners (Inbar Av-Shalom, Nisha Malhotra, and Ali Tatum, Faculty Focus, August 14, 2023): The authors share ideas and strategies that can help reduce barriers to learning, ensuring equal access to education and the opportunity for all students to achieve their full potential, regardless of ability.

A.I. and Higher Ed

You’ve Checked Out the New AI Tools. Now What? (Michelle D. Miller, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 17, 2023): Three steps to help you envision the role of ChatGPT – first in your academic discipline and then in your classroom.

A ChatGPT Teaching Experiment (John Warner, Inside Higher Ed, August 16, 2023): Start with your core pedagogical values when it comes to incorporating ChatGPT.

Why Aren’t We Asking Questions of AI? (Sean Ross Meehan, Inside Higher Ed, August 16, 2023): As students and professors grow more skilled at commanding chatbots to produce the outputs they want, the author wonders what this will mean for question-based inquiry. 

Paper Exams, Chatbot Bans: Colleges Seek to ‘ChatGPT-Proof’ Assignments (Jocelyn Gecker, AP, August 10, 2023): Educators say they want to embrace the technology’s potential to teach and learn in new ways, but when it comes to assessing students, they see a need to “ChatGPT-proof” test questions and assignments.

Admissions After Affirmative Action

Biden Administration Releases Guidance on Affirmative Action (Liam Knox, Inside Higher Ed, August 15, 2023): The administration’s long-awaited resources are meant to help colleges navigate the murky fallout of the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling.

Free Speech and Higher Ed

College Presidents Are Planning ‘Urgent Action’ to Defend Free Speech (Zachary Schermele, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 15, 2023): The effort by the leaders of 13 colleges, including DePauw, is the latest example of an increasingly forceful defense of free-speech principles.

On the Bookshelf

Jesse Strommel, Undoing the Grade: Why We Grade, and How to Stop (Hybrid Pedagogy): Examines the what, why, and whether of grades: When do they fail? What harm do they do and how can we mitigate that harm? Can we construct more poetic, less supposedly objective, models for assessment? Read the introduction here.

Have a short article or some news related to teaching and learning at your institution that you’d like to share with colleagues? Send your contribution along to us. Also, please email Colleen Monahan Smith (smith@glca.org) if you have colleagues who would like to receive this weekly report.

Steven Volk (steven.volk@oberlin.edu), Editor

GLCA/GLAA Consortium for Teaching and Learning
   Lew Ludwig (ludwigl@denison.edu)

   Colleen Monahan Smith (smith@glca.org)

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