A few articles to get you on your way:

How to Ease Burnout This Fall (Beth McMurtrie, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 10, 2023): What can faculty members put in their syllabus, establish with students, and/or adopt in their daily lives that will prevent and manage exhaustion and feelings of being overwhelmed?

How to Create a Syllabus: Advice Guide (Kevin Gannon, Chronicle of Higher Education): Part of the Chronicle’s “new semester” collection.

How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive (Viji Sathy and Kelly A. Hogan, Chronicle of Higher Education): Part of the Chronicle’s “new semester” collection.

From AI to A+: Prepare Your Students for Using ChatGPT and other AI (Ryan Watkins, Medium, July 27, 2023): Some easy to implement suggestions to help prepare students for the ethical use of ChatGPT and other AI in the upcoming semester. (Tip of the hat to Lew Ludwig for this resource.)

Engagement Tip: Create a First-Day Survey (Ashley Mowreader, Inside Higher Ed, July 25, 2023): Professors can start their academic terms off on the best foot with students by creating a first-day survey to collect information about learning goals, personal information and prior knowledge.

Should You Add an AI Policy to Your Syllabus? (Kevin Gannon, Chronicle of Higher Education, July 31, 2023): What to consider in drafting your own course policy on students’ use of tools like Chat GPT.

Engagement Tip: Create a First-Day Survey (Ashley Mowreader, Inside Higher Ed, July 25, 2023) Professors can start their academic terms off on the best foot with students by creating a first-day survey to collect information about learning goals, personal information and prior knowledge.

The First Day of Class: Fostering a Zest for Learning with a Sense of Empathy (Faculty Focus, Episode 63): Teacher-tested activities for the first day of class and how to make slight tweaks to make meaningful strides in relieving student mental health concerns and stress. By setting the stage on day one, students will be invested, interested, and ready for your class.

Productively and Painlessly Integrating Gen AI into Your Fall Classes (Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed, July 19, 2023):  It is important that we give our learners experience in using generative AI to prepare them for job interviews, career advancement and efficient practices in the workplace. See, as well, This Fall, How Will You Integrate Gen AI into Your University Work (Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed, July 5, 2023): Now is the time to put into action your resolution to apply the power of AI at work.

How to Make Smart Choices About Tech for Your Course (Michelle D. Miller, Chronicle of Higher Education): Choosing the right tech tools for your teaching means making strategic choices, weighing costs against payoffs, and staying laser-focused on your course goals — and that is what this guide aims to help you do.

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