by Steven Volk | Jun 16, 2023 | News of the Week
Teaching and Learning Reject Automated Grading of Student Writing (John Warner, Inside Higher Ed, June 15, 2023): Reading and responding to their writing is the job. It’s a line that people who believe in the importance of writing, critical thinking and communication...
by Steven Volk | Jun 9, 2023 | News of the Week
Teaching and Learning Getting Feedback from Students on the Syllabus (Beth McMurtrie, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 8, 2023): More faculty comment on having had their students review the syllabi they prepare. The Long View on Transformative College Experiences:...
by Steven Volk | Jun 2, 2023 | News of the Week
Teaching and Learning The Trust Gap in Higher Education (Steven Mintz, Inside Higher Ed, June 2, 2023): Distrust is not conducive to learning. It makes the teacher-student relationship adversarial. Mistrust undercuts the sense of connection and community that can make...
by Steven Volk | May 26, 2023 | News of the Week
Dear Readers: As the school year draws to a close, I wanted to draw your attention to some changes here at the “News of the Week” and in the Consortium for Teaching and Learning. After many years co-directing the CTL, I am stepping down. It’s been my great pleasure...
by Steven Volk | May 19, 2023 | News of the Week
Teaching and Learning Teaching the Inevitable: Embracing a Pedagogy of Failure (Lydia E. Eckstein, Amelia B. Finaret, and Lisa B. Whitenack, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 2023): The authors, all from Allegheny College, outline several strategies for using failure...