Assessing the Language Features to Teach in Your Class
The purpose of this form is to help you determine the vocabulary and grammar that will aid students' success in the writing for your course. The form collects email addresses in order to provide you with a copy of your responses.
Common grammar points in English include: verb tense, modals (might, should, etc.), conditionals, passive voice, clauses, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, singular vs. plural nouns, word choice
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Email address
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What genres of writing (i.e., lab report, mathematical proof, literary analysis, etc.) do you assign in your class?
Your answer
What grammar (e.g., passive voice, verb tense, etc.) do students need to be able to complete assignments in these genres?
Your answer
Think about the topics and readings in your course and make a list of the most important vocabulary for students to know.
Your answer
What are the most common writing problems you see in your courses? Be as specific as possible.
Your answer
Aside from careless mistakes, which types of language errors seem to interfere with meaning the most when you are grading student writing?
Your answer
How did you learn to write in your discipline? What did you struggle with?
Your answer
What do you think sets apart the writing in your discipline from other disciplines?
Your answer
Which of the following language-related assignments/activities might be possible to add to your course? Check all that apply.
An in-class noticing activity prior to the assignment of a writing task
A vocabulary notebook assignment
Vocabulary quizzes
An instructor-led in-class debrief on common errors in a particular writing assignment
An instructor-led mini grammar lesson during class
Instructor identification of specific grammatical or word choice errors in student writing
Students' completion of an error log following the return of a graded writing assignment
An in-class self-editing workshop before a writing assignment is submitted
Peer-editing workshop
Corpus-based assignment
Based on your answers to the questions above, reflect on the specific language features you plan to include in future classes.
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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